
The world was already slowing down long before lockdown

We need to quickly accept that this is an era of slowdown, not fast-paced change.

Coronavirus is a tragedy – but it could be the wake-up call we need: the economy has been forced to slow down

For some time this pandemic will focus almost all of our attention. It is a tragedy that will play out differently

Things Fall Apart: the British Health Crisis 2010–2020

Things fall apart; the centre cannot hold; Mere anarchy is loosed upon the world,

Coronavirus: how the current number of people dying in the UK compares to the past decade

by Danny Dorling, University of Oxford The speed of the global spread of coronavirus is staggering.

Labour’s Defeat and the Health Crisis in early 2020

Hensher contrasts the abuse Corbyn received while attempting to become Prime Minster with that Margaret Thatcher received when in office

Tackling the housing crisis

Polly Neate is right that “social housing and homes for first-time buyers don’t have to be either/or”.

Rabbit homes, peak inequality and mortality in the UK: 2015-2020

So much goes wrong when a state is at peak inequality. We convert offices into rabbit hutches for people to live in and their life expectancy also falls.

The 2019 general election and the geography and demography of Brexit

Danny Dorling demolishes myths about the Brexit Referendum result of 2016 and the General Election result of 2019. The old, and predominantly the middle class of southern England, achieved victory in both.

Who dies young in a rich city? – The Homeless

This Christmas and New Year 2020 have been mercifully warm in Oxford, with the temperature staying at (or above) two degrees at night – so far.

Slowdown: Whose freedom? a talk at Vienna Secession

A short talk on what the future may bring given the spatial dimension of the distribution of property and resources, followed by a debate with Gabu Heindl, the Vienna-based architect and planner.

What’s So Funny About Brexit? (and other subjects)

Danny Dorling talking about ‘What’s So Funny About Brexit? on the Treehouse stage, Greenbelt Festival,

We need MORE babies, not fewer, Harry!

Many thousands of words have been written on the subject of Prince Harry’s announcement in Vogue last week that, when it comes to children, he intends to have ‘Two, maximum!’

Ministers will still claim, to their dying breath in some cases…

“Ministers will still claim, to their dying breath in some cases, that there is no ‘evidence’ linking their actions to the rising numbers of premature deaths in the UK, but eventually they will buckle under the weight of reports showing they are wrong.”

The smaller generation to come – worldwide

Here’s some good news for the planet: the human population is set to peak and stabilise, not rising much above 9.7 billion, the total that it will reach around the year 2050, according to the latest UN figures.

How to Solve the Housing Crisis

It might not be sexy, but the answer to the endemic housing crisis not just in Britain but across the West is something relatively simple: effective property taxes