
Why coronavirus death rates won’t fall as quickly as they rose

Coronavirus deaths shocked us with how rapidly they rose from a base of none at the start of the year, to many thousands within the space of mere weeks.

Rule Britannia: Looking back at getting Brexit done

Ahead of the publication of Rule Britannia in paperback, authors Danny Dorling and Sally Tomlinson take a look back the past two years of electoral chaos and what that might mean for Britain going forward.

The Pace of Change

Did you think that the rate of innovation was rising and that more and more was being invented every year?

The illusion of speed and growth in our society

Danny Dorling, and Sofie Furu discussing the Book Slowdown and the illusion of speed and growth in our society, an on-line talk held with SoCentral – nordisk inkubator for samfunnsinnovasjon, Oslo, Norway, May 20th 2020.

Put your foot on the brake

The rate of population growth is slowing – and it’s time for human activity to relax too. It’ll do our species so much good, says Danny Dorling.

Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19

As reported in the Financial Times; Le Monde; News Week Españo and many others, an open letter: Uniting Behind A People’s Vaccine Against COVID-19, May 14th 2020 signed by Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo, Imran Khan, Cyril Ramaphosa and many others, organised by Oxfam:

It’s Captain Tom’s birthday: the past 100 years should teach us a powerful lesson

Over the NHS fundraiser’s lifetime, inequality has dropped but shot back up again. After this crisis we must keep it down.

How quickly might we forget the lessons of Covid-19?

My father still remembers the H3N2 influenza pandemic of 1968 when over a million people died worldwide.

Decarbonising economies is like denuclearising weaponry—essential for survival

Humanity has been here before, facing what appeared to be an imminent end (figure). The rise in nuclear weapons was rapid, from the first two used on Aug 6 and Aug 9, 1945, through to 10,000 held by 1960, almost 40,000 in 1970, and peaking at over 60,000 in the mid-1980s. At the time, it…
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Three charts that show where the coronavirus death rate is heading

On April 7, The Conversation published three graphs showing the rise of deaths from COVID-19 in seven countries. This is an update 20 days later.

Stepping back to focus on the longer term (talking about slowdown)

Danny Dorling giving a short keynote at the British Sociological Association Annual Conference (on-line in a time of Covid19) on April 24th 2020.

The Geography of Slowdown

Danny Dorling giving the final talk at the Geographical Association annual conference (on-line), on April 18th 2020

Three graphs that show a global slowdown in COVID-19

This article is republished from The Conversation – first published April 7th 2020

The NHS has been run on the goodwill of its staff for too long

“But once this is done, there must be complete transparency about how the NHS came to be left in this exposed position, how social care had been stripped away, and how those in power will be held accountable.”

An armchair alternative to A-Level geography

A message for A-Level geographers: Suddenly you have time on your hands. You would have been spending these weeks and months memorising facts for regurgitating.