
Census 2021 will reveal how a year of lockdowns and furlough has transformed the UK

Census 2021 will reveal how a year of lockdowns and furlough has transformed the UK

If Boris Johnson is serious about levelling up, he would plan for a 2026 census now

An extra population survey, on top of next week’s, would provide information the country really needs.

Why has the UK’s COVID death toll been so high? Inequality may have played a role

The first death to be publicly attributed to coronavirus in the UK was of a woman in her seventies on March 5 2020.

Who should be vaccinated before others?

In late January 2021, when I wrote these words, a debate was raging

Finntopia: A Long Read

Finland is rarely mentioned as an example by leftists and Greens who want to build a better future.

Foreword to: S. Cohen et al. (Eds) Europe’s top 10% and income inequality,

There are times when it appears to be that almost everything is changing. Now might well be one of those times.

Houses not homelessness

I wrote this chapter because homeless in my home city of Oxford had become not just a local crisis, worse than it had ever been, but also part of the national scandal.

Employment: in Brexit and Beyond

Where have we come from? Unemployment has not always been with us. In fact, the term was hardly used at all before 1900,

Please sir, can I have more?

On the 25th of November 2020 the Chancellor of the Exchequer decided that, in the public sector, there would be no increase at all for many and a real-terms pay-cut for millions more in 2021.

Should you visit your family this Christmas? Three experts weigh in

For the third of society who live within a few miles of their parents, not seeing relatives at Christmas will make little sense if you see them most weeks anyway.

Letter: Social infrastructure is also vital to recovery plan

UK chancellor Rishi Sunak plans to set up a national infrastructure bank to “channel billions of pounds into capital projects”

Why is COVID-19 more severe in the north of England? The story in four graphs

An article published in the Conversation, 2 December 2020

Want to understand the Covid map? Look at where we live and how we work

It’s social, not medical, science that tells us most about the disparate spread of this pandemic.

The unprecedented rise of mortality across poorer parts of the UK

Danny Dorling discusses recent findings from a major study of mortality across UK countries and cities, and highlights unprecedented worsening mortality among the UK’s poorest communities:

Past pandemics, fear, dread and hope

In 1890, when he was still at school in Harrow, Winston Churchill wrote a poem