
The Decimation of the NHS

The Decimation of the NHS

Geographers should be interested in what is happening to the NHS because it is through making geographical comparisons with other countries that we can see that its current decimation is unnecessary.

The ever ending never ending pandemic

How little we knew two years ago and how little we still know now.

Public sector spending and Living Standards in the long run

After the Chancellor delivered his Autumn Budget of 2021, the detailed papers were released that attempted to explain and defend his decisions.

Who are the unvaccinated and what is happening to them?

On 21st September 2021, the Office for National Statistics (ONS) produced a report with the cheery title: “Deaths by vaccination status, England”.

Geographical and social Inequalities in health in England across two centuries

In July 2021 the BBC published a series of maps of child mortality in England and Wales in 1850 to compare with maps of Covid-19 mortality rates

House prices: should we welcome a crash?

British governments don’t deliberately do things that negatively affect house prices.

Levelling up taxation, funding and education

The human geography of the UK is a very unlevel playing field – more akin to a mountain range than a field.

You may say “jam tomorrow”. But we say, “share today”

Rather than promising growth tomorrow, policy-makers should give more to younger generations today

Public spending in the UK, and elsewhere in Europe, 1980-2026

For many years the UK, and almost all other states in the world, have been reporting both the amount they spend on public services, and what they expect to spend in future,

Grim fall in life expectancy exposes UK government’s ‘levelling up’ lies

For a few hours on Wednesday 30 June 2021, a report released by University College London’s Institute of Health Equity hit the headlines.

Happiness is a place between too little and too much

School meals are never termed “free” in Finland; they are simply called “lunch”.

The Income Shock of 2020

The pandemic had an almost immediate and massive detrimental economic effect on the lives of the already worst-off in the UK,

The City of Oxford and the Pandemic of 2020/21

Within the boundaries of the city of Oxford, for all of 2020, only 95 deaths were registered with COVID-19 being mentioned on the death certificate.