
Housing and Inequality in Oxfordshire

Danny speaking at a Green Party event

London splits in poor and superrich

Hele Skjervold, Afternposten’s London correspondent, explains inequalities in London to her Norwegian readers.

Renting your way to poverty: welcome to the future of housing

The housing crisis is already out of control, and no one in politics wants to help

Delivering the real Housing for real people

Talk at Innovations in policy, design, funding and delivery, Affordable Housing Conference

More homes in the UK

Several thousand people are expected to gather in London for a rally calling for more homes in the UK.

The hollowing out of London: how poverty patterns are changing

The largest falls in the proportions of households that are neither wealthy or poor has been in outer boroughs of London.

Should parliament move out of London?

Faced with a £3bn repair bill, is the Palace of Westminster still the best place for MPs to meet?

All that is solid

Paperback launch event at City Hall London

Life expectancy and ageing in the North of England

Danny Dorling speaking on BBC inside out North East and Cumbria

Finance, Business, Economics and the 1%

Student Society invited Lecture, SOAS

Average house prices in Oxford ‘become least affordable in Britain’

Average house prices in the South East, and especially London, rose even faster during 2014 (January to December) than in the same period of 2013, says new research

A changing housing market

The average price of sold houses in England and Wales has more than doubled since 1995

‘Generation rent’? We’ve been here before

A home-owning majority in Britain was a one-generation blip. But if we are becoming a renting country again, we’ll need better regulation

Generation Rent

Can today’s British youth “have a life that isn’t simply working to get the money to pay the rent”?

Housing, the Economy and Trying to Imagine a Better Way

Danny speaking at Inequality and New Economics