
Students are dashing from A-levels into debt, fuelled by a fear of poverty

Teenagers getting their results this week have little choice but to scramble for a university place and face the huge debt now involved

Can there be equality of opportunity while private schools exist?

The Cock and Bull Festival 2015 Summer Sunday Debate

Europe one hundred years hence

Welcome to West Asia!

Mapping change: what you miss if you miss a Census

Plenary lecture by Danny Dorling and Bethan Thomas at the Census Applications Conference

London and the Servant Wage

Expert panel discusses the relationship between London and the rest of the UK

What do we mean by fairness in cities?

Danny Dorling and Richard Brooks reflect on what fairness really means – from social justice to pure luck

‘Injustice’ on Russia Today

Danny speaking on Russia Today

Why social inequality still persists

A short introduction to injustice

The Housing Problem

Danny speaking at the Way with words Festival

Economic Inequality and Geographical Optimism

Talk at the Way with words Festival

Government policies are turning education into a production line

Classrooms are crumbling and inequality is getting worse, but the government’s priorities are more testing and free schools

Theories of Potential and the Creation of Inequality

Annual Education Lecture, King’s College London

Injustice – why social inequality still persists

In the five years since the first edition of Injustice there have been devastating increases in poverty, hunger and destitution in the UK.

Worldmapper and climate

Danny speaking at Wood Farm Primary School, Oxford