
The crises combine: austerity, cost-of-living, public sector jobs and pay

The UK government may be taxing people more (other than the very well off) than it has done in many decades, but

Weakened by a decade of austerity: why the UK’s covid-19 inquiry is right to look at policies since 2010

Any concerns that the UK’s covid-19 inquiry would give ministers an easy ride seem to have been dispelled by the determination with which its chair, Heather Hallett, has pursued information held by former prime minister Boris Johnson.

Slowdown means the end of pervasive capitalism

Danny Dorling discusses the end of the age of speed in his book Slowdown.

The long shadow of the cost of living emergency

In ‘The long shadow of the cost-of-living emergency’, Amy Baker and Hannah Paylor revealed that:

Sir, Is Lord Sumption aware that the Roundheads won?

In Response to: Oxford Magazine, No. 452, 0th Week, TT, “The New Roundheads”

Most people in the UK now share Robert Owen’s views

From 1798 to 1822 Britain suffered it longest ever fall in wages and a huge drop in living conditions

What would it take to persuade Rishi Sunak to join the Patriotic Millionaires?

I suspect they would agree to him joining, were he to ask. He is, after all, both patriotic and a multi-millionaire.

Why Finland is the happiest country in the world – an expert explains

Finland has been the happiest country on earth for the past six years, according to the World Happiness Survey.

Are things about to get better?

The gap between rich and poor is wider than it has been for a century. We think that change is impossible, but it may have already begun

Falling down the global ranks: Life expectancy in the UK 1950-2021

New global ranking for life expectancy shows decades-long UK decline.

The Oxford Bus Gates and Open Minds

You may have become aware of a little controversy surrounding a few small changes concerning how car traffic is routed through the city of Oxford.

A brief lull in the fighting?

On 1st of February 2023 half a million public sectors workers took part in strikes. These were the largest strikes in more than a decade.

What did the elections of 1922 and 2017 have in common?

You probably don’t know about the 1922 general election. It was the ‘breakthrough election’.

About Our Schools: Foreword

We often don’t truly value something until we have lost it.