
A Better Politics: How government can make us happier and healthier

If we start by considering what is most important to people in their lives, then we end up advocating a very different politics and set of priorities to that which is usually presented.

Brexit: The decision of a divided country

Blame austerity not immigration for the inequality underlying Brexit. The underlying reason for worsening health and declining living standards in Britain is not immigration but ever growing economic inequality and the public spending cuts that have accompanied austerity.

When a housing market peaks: lessons from 18th century Amsterdam

In Amsterdam in 1699, a house sold for 28,100 guilders. This was a very fine house. Its equivalent would be found in Kensington today.

In defence of the welfare state and the role of active housing policy

<< previous publication Dorling, D. (2016) In defence of the welfare state and the role of active housing policy In Franklin, B., Urzi Brancati, M.C., and and Hochlaf, D. (eds.) Towards a new age: The future of the UK welfare state, London: International Longevity Centre. Download PDF (<1 MB) Online next publication >>

A View From The Future: The Job-Centre

One hundred years ago today the battle of the Somme began. Today the British can only talk about leaving the European Union. What might we look back on in one hundred years from now?

Smashing Silly Stereotypes: The distorted descriptions of tenants and the housing crisis

Many tenants say that they don’t recognise themselves in the descriptions of social housing tenants that are bandied about. They are all too often distorted or stereotyped.

So, how do we explain it to the young?

Brexit has its roots in the British Empire. So how do we explain it to the young? The EU referendum was the last throes of Empire working its way out of our systems.

It is easy to blame anything you like on immigration – and wrong

Immigration, The EU Referendum, and the real reasons why our schools are so often full, our housing is so expensive and our health service is underfunded as compared to the rest of Europe.

Geography, Pollution and Inequality

Manipulating the market mechanism to promote frugality, prudence and deferred gratification without the perversion of profit

I’m an environmentalist, get me out of here

Recording from the Telegraph Stage at the 2016 Hay Festival

Is Economic Inequality Falling in the World? Some Data and Graphs

Is Economic Inequality Falling in the World? In this webinar Danny Dorling presents some of the most recent data made available through the World Top Incomes database and the statistical releases of the United Nations Development Programmes Human Development Reports. These suggest that there may be some tentative evidence that a tipping point could have…
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Why Everything’s Wrong and How to Make it Better – come, listen, shout out – June 18/19

Two Talks at ‘Also’ the Festival with Ideas – Warwickshire:

People and Places: A 21st Century Atlas of the UK

Danny Dorling speaking at the Hay Festival

Geography, University, and Life

Carl Lee and Danny Dorling speaking at the Student Compass Venue, Hay Festival

London in the age of big finance – why do property investors leave their purchases empty?

I want to ask you to play a little game with me. I want you to pretend you are being driven to Dalston Junction in London to look at one of the penthouse flats on the twelfth floor of a new development to decide if you are going to buy it