
Working for service – not profit

Invited Student Lecture given by Danny Dorling at Ruskin College, Oxford, October 19th, 2016, Introduced by Parveen Alam.

Capitalism on Trial: Rising economic inequality and stalled progress in educational reform in the UK

A thirty minute talk for lower sixth form students studying A levels by Danny Dorling of the University of Oxford, School of Geography & Environment

Geography is where it’s at – and about the future

A talk for sixth form students at many schools studying A level Geography in Manchester by Danny Dorling of the University of Oxford

Epidemiology: abandoning the social: How deaths in England and Wales rose in a year by 5%

Danny Dorling talking on – Epidemiology: abandoning the social: How deaths in England and Wales rose in a year by 5%, in Scotland by 9%, but epidemiologists were too busy with the genome to notice the bills of mortality,

Talking about Brexit and Middle England on BBC Newsnight: the view from Tewksbury

Danny Dorling: Talking about Brexit on BBC Newsnight 29th September 2016, starting in Tewksbury:

A secure home is vital to wellbeing—all should have one

In 1983 your chance of owning your own home was over 70 per cent for people aged between 29 and 49. In 2012 the lucky group who had a 70 per cent or more chance of owning their homes were aged 58 to 85.

Only Dreamers See the Future

It is no coincidence that Thomas More set Utopia on an island. He was a teenager when the Americas were discovered, a time when the world learned that more was possible than we knew.

Public Health was declining rapidly before the Brexit vote

Self-reported health had been progressively declining year on year since 2010. In the years before 2010 up to 70% of the population were somewhat, mostly, or completely satisfied with their health and there was no downwards or upwards trend.

The Housing Crisis After Brexit

What are the implications of Brexit for the housing crisis in the UK? Danny Dorling offers some answers at Urbed’s 4×4 event, held in Manchester on July 13th 2016.

The Geography of our Future

Two lectures for the summer. First Some ideas about protecting the earth’s environment and its people: A talk given as part of the Summer Minds lectures at St Davids in Wales on August 3rd 2016.

The Wind and the Willows

Oxfordshire could be so different and was so different not very long ago. In the novel Larkrise to Candleford, the story of a very different Oxfordshire is told

What now for the Labour Party?

The vote to leave the European Union is a moment of both crisis and opportunity. Now the need to build a progressive alliance has become urgent.

Rapidly Worsening Public Health recorded across the UK – PSA Blog July 11th

Across the UK self-reported health has been progressively declining year on year since 2010 with the fastest falls to the worse recorded levels having been confirmed by official data released in March 2016, but not yet reported until now.

How inequality is killing us

The rise in mortality in 2015 was shocking. In England and Wales (alone) the rise of mortality of 9% in the year to July 2015 was, as far as can be known from published statistics, the largest proportional increase in mortality rates in a year recorded since 1940.