
The future of Social Justice

Melissa Benn, Danny Dorling, Kayleigh Garthwaite and Owen Jones, Speaking on the future of Social Justice, at the Bristol Festival of Ideas and Policy Press Evening, University of Bristol, December 5th.

Today’s housing crisis: sown by Thatcher, harvested by May. What is required to really take back control?

Margaret Thatcher’s government sowed the seeds of today’s housing crisis when it abandoned rent regulation in the private sector.

Maps that show us who we are (not just where we are)

What does the world look like when you map it using data about people? See the world anew — a connected, ever-changing and fascinating place in which we all belong. You’ll never look at a map the same way again.

Another World is Inevitable: Mapping UK General Elections

The Annual Political Studies Association Lecture given by Danny Dorling in The British Library, London, November 28th. Introduced by Carolyn Quinn

Ecotopia 2121? – stranger things have happened

Danny Dorling’s Review of Ecotopia 2121: A Vision for Our Future Green Utopia – in 100 Cities, by Alan Marshall

This House Believes That Government Has Failed Britain’s Youth

You need to agree that we have failed, because if we are incapable of recognising that we have failed, what hope is there for this country?

The political environment and housing associations

Keynote speech by Danny Dorling: Placeshapers conference :Building Homes and Lives, Trade Union Congress Centre, London, November 16th.

15th Caroline Benn Lecture: The Education Shuffle – what will the next two steps forward be?

Innovation in Education Lecture by Danny Dorling given in Committee Room 10, House of Commons, London, November 15th.

Let’s go back to the future with co-operative schools – and leave grammars in the past

Comprehensive schools have improved our lives. The evidence that they are better for our children and for all of us is overwhelming.

A debate about
 social goods and social evils

Housing is fundamentally a debate about
 social goods and social evils – TAP blog 6, 11 November 2016

Schools as the driver of inequality – the ideas behind a talk given at the annual Class conference in London on November 5th 2016

On education the left need to recognise public disquiet over our current system of allocation to state schools by area and hence by housing price.

Leaving Reality: The UK and the rest of Europe

Economically, the financial crash of 2008 set UK society on a course that led to the 2016 EU referendum.

The price we pay for housing is too high

Since 2010 council tax benefit has been cut all across the UK, and rent, gas and electricity costs have gone up. A quarter of British households, mostly with children, can no longer pay for rent, fuel and food and manage to save at least £10 a month.

Putting people at (and around) the centre of the city

An annual public lecture given by Danny Dorling generalizing from Oxford’s current housing dilemmas for the Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors and the Sustainable Urban Development Programme

How much of you is you and how much of you is a product of your geography?

How much of you is you and how much of you is a product of your geography? Have a look at these maps. Areas are coloured red and dark red if many people are poor in those places. And they are coloured green, and especially dark green, if very few people are poor.