
Annual Politics Lecture: Leeds Beckett University

I am always surprised that more people in the UK do not know that we now have the greatest economic inequality of any large country in Europe

Reducing Inequality: Reasons for Hope for 2017

If high and growing inequality is benefitting fewer and fewer people in the UK and the USA we should be glad that more people now recognise this

Equality in Europe, the landscape, battle and war

Equality in Europe, the landscape, battle and war, public lecture by Danny Dorling, St Cross College, Oxford, January 24th.

Theresa May’s Industrial Strategy must work for Sheffield, the city of low pay

The Prime Minister has launched her much-vaunted industrial strategy. The measure of its success has to be whether it works for cities like Sheffield and the rest of the North.

Housing crisis grows – first fall in home movers for five years

On January 20th 2017 the BBC announced the first fall in the numbers of people moving home in the last five years. The reason was the growing housing crisis.

Migration, Europe, bias in research, health, education and housing

It’s remarkable how little research is available comparing the success of different countries’ immigration policies.

House prices in London are falling

In mid-December the Land Registry revealed its latest data on housing prices. These showed that average prices had fallen in five London boroughs in October, up from three in September and just one borough in August.

Review of Utopia by Thomas More, introduced by China Miéville and concluded by Ursula Le Guin

In 1968 Ursula Le Guin wrote the Wizard of Earthsea for me. I knew it, as I am sure thousands of other children also knew.

Don’t mention this around the Christmas table: Brexit, inequality and the demographic divide

Brexit voting patterns appear to divide along the lines of age (above all else), then by social attitudes, and then by education

The Creation of Inequality: Myths of Potential and Ability

The old myth about the ability and variability of potential in children is a comforting myth

Analysing the regional geography of poverty, austerity and inequality in Europe

This paper presents a human cartographic approach to the analysis of the impact of austerity and the economic crisis across Europe’s regions.

In straitened circumstances: A review of Austerity Blues

The Left are busy looking back instead of devising laws to address inequalities.

Geography, Health, Austerity and Europe – where next for the countries of the UK?

Public Lecture given by Danny Dorling at the University of Swansea, December 12th 2016.

France shows what has gone wrong in the UK and US

The outcome of the French presidential election, in which the Republican Francois Fillon, Front National’s Marine Le Pen, and the Socialist Party will be vying for position in April 2017, could have wide reaching implications for public health in Europe.

The Politics of Public Spending, Equality and Hope

In October 2016, at her party’s annual conference, the Prime Minister (Teresa May) set out a vision for a more inclusive Britain