
Economic inequality: Are we at the turning point?

New statistics offer hope—but the accuracy of such figures is notoriously difficult to assess.

Is inequality bad for the environment?

From buying stuff to eating meat to wasting water, there is growing evidence that countries with a bigger gap between rich and poor do more harm to the planet and its climate.

The Labour party is now more popular than it was when both of the last two general elections were held

This has never happened before. No UK political party has seen such a large and such a rapid rise in support as Labour saw in May 2017.

The Equality Effect: improving life for everyone

The Equality Effect is almost magical. In more equal countries, human beings are generally happier and healthier, there is less crime, more creativity and higher educational attainment.

Mortality improvements appear to have stalled in England

Improvements in mortality in England were seen for a generation before the year 2011. They now appear to have ended.

The choices that we make

People in different countries make different choices. In Norway they chose to deal with the financial crash of 2008 in such a way that the population did not suffer unduly and life expectancy there has risen by a year since 2011.

Living in extraordinary times

Every so often a social statistic is released that confirms something extraordinary has occurred, something so strange that it cannot continue, suggesting that the trend has to change again soon.

A Better Politics: How Government can make us happier, & despair and hope in Scotland

Politics in Britain and in many other countries would be better if politicians concentrated on the things which are most important to people.

Three hundred years of arguments for a basic income

Review of ‘Basic Income: A Radical Proposal for a Free Society and a Sane Economy, by Philippe van Parijs and Yannick Vanderborght’

Building Better Cities: 7th Annual Lecture of the Human City Institute

We think of cities as having existing for millennia, but only a few cities are that old and they were almost all extremely small.

What geography can teach us about inequality

Geography is the subject that shows you how everything is connected to everything else.

The proportion of adults reporting poor health in the UK has more than doubled since 2010

There has been a rapid deterioration in self-reported health in recent years

Excess deaths in 2015 may be linked to failures in health and social care

Excess deaths in 2015 may be linked to failures in health and social care

The Geography of a rapid rise in elderly mortality in England and Wales, 2014-15

Since at least the early 1900s almost all affluent nations in the world have continually experienced improvements in human longevity.

The Geography of a rapid rise in elderly mortality in England and Wales, 2014-15

<< previous publication Green, M., Dorling, D., and Minton, J. (2017) The Geography of a rapid rise in elderly mortality in England and Wales, 2014-15 Heath and Place, 44, pp.77-85 Download PDF (1.3 MB) Online next publication >>