
The chancellor must end austerity now – it is punishing an entire generation

Alongside the human costs, cuts have hurt our economy, and we’ve now reached a dangerous tipping point, say Joseph Stiglitz, Ha-Joon Chang and 111 others

Lessons from more equitable European countries: Rent Regulation

Almost all European countries both have lower income inequality than the UK and also ensure by law that tenants who rent their homes enjoy much longer tenancies.

Short Cuts – future life expectancy in the UK

Life expectancy for women in the UK is now lower than in Austria, Belgium, Cyprus, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy, Liechtenstein, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, and Switzerland.

7 New Maps of The World – School Geography A Level Talk

What does the world look like when you map it using data?

Upholding the rule of law in the European Union

Open letter to Commission President Junker and European Council Presidents Tusk, 31 October 2017

Why student loans are a confidence trick for the 85%

The current system of university student funding in England is a confidence trick.

Turning The Tide On Inequality

It is hard to believe that it is any coincidence that by far the most economically unequal large country in the European Union, the UK, was the one that narrowly voted to leave it in 2016.

Inequality and Insurrection

Seminar by Danny Dorling in a series helping to celebrate 25 years of Development Studies in SOAS, University of London, given on October 17th, 2017

Beware of Kipling-spouting politicians

The world isn’t a plum pudding anymore. It’s time for Britain to stop pretending it can carve it up—and scrap its Imperialist approach to post-Brexit trade.

Economic inequality – what is it good for?

Inequality has become the defining issue of our times. It is what makes the years we are currently living through so different to those of our parents and grandparents.

Delayed discharges: “up to 8,000 people die every year because of bed-blocking on NHS wards”

The increased prevalence of patients being delayed in discharge from hospital in 2015 was associated with increases in mortality, accounting for up to a fifth of mortality increases.

The New Urban Crisis by Richard Florida – a Review

This limited survey of the effects of inequality and high house prices in cities is part of the problem, not the solution.

Full text of original letter sent to the Financial Times: Examining the numbers on pension valuations

We are concerned about the transparency of decision making in the USS pension scheme. The USS has announced a substantial deficit, but the data and methods they have published are very limited, making them impossible to judge.

New ways of seeing the world: a social geographer’s perspective

Oxford Alumni Weekend Lecture, Oxford, September 16th 2017

The 2017 UK General Election Result in Three Graphs

There was one noteworthy feature of the 2017 General Election that has not been commented on at all. For the first time since 1979 the segregation index of British Conservative voters fell.