
Brexit: The result of rising inequality, not rising immigration

Immigration has been suggested as the reason for why a narrow majority of people in the UK voted for Brexit. The concept was used to stoke up fear in areas of low immigration.

130,000 children homeless after Christmas 2017. Why?

Our housing system is in a mess. A child looking down from the window of a tower block on to Britain’s streets today will see the widest and clearest picture of what is getting rapidly worse.

The current state of Inequality

When inequality is high people lose face, they lose confidence, they suffer from comparisons in which it is implied that the vast majority warrant little or no respect.

The Future of Britain

Brexit Vote 2016, Hung Parliament 2017, what in 2018?

On Martin Luther King Day 2018: Child poverty rates still rising in the USA and UK

Fifty years ago Martin Luther King argued that on poverty: “the programs of the past all have another common failing—they are indirect. Each seeks to solve poverty by first solving something else.” He argued for a guaranteed citizen’s income to eradicate poverty.

Trends in the behaviour of the super-rich: Swiss watch sales

Towards the end of January 2018, 60 heads of state or government, roughly 300 other political leaders, and at least 1000 of the world’s highest paid chief executive officers, media celebrities and the like will meet again at Davos in Switzerland. How are they likely to view changing world events and what might matter most…
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What is Radical about Geography?

From the history of the Cold War, to the peril of the 2008 financial crash, what can a radical perspective on geography teach us about the world?

New (2018) interactive graphics of the impact of inequality

Researchers have known for some time that high economic inequality has a detrimental effect on peoples’ lives. However, with the release of new data we can now compare all of the richest countries of the world alongside the states of the USA. The results are shocking.

120,000 additional premature deaths in the UK 2010-2017

On Thursday 16th November 2017 the Journal BMJ Open published an article which concluded that severe public spending cuts in the UK had contributed to causing 120,000 additional premature deaths between 2010 and 2017.

England’s embarrassing tuition fees

As pay scandals continue to embarrass British higher education, with university chiefs receiving eye-watering salaries and golden handshakes, it’s time to ask: why can’t we be more like Germany?

Updating Edwin Chadwick’s seminal work on geographical inequalities by occupation

Researchers at the Universities of Liverpool, Oxford and Glasgow revisited a study carried out 175 years ago which compared the health and life expectancy of people in different parts of the United Kingdom, including Liverpool, to see if its findings still held true.

The rich, poor and the earth

The most important benefit of the equality effect may be that it leads us to behave in ways that are less environmentally damaging.

The latest population projections for Britain suggest a million years of life could disappear by 2058. Why?

Buried deep in a note towards the end of a recent bulletin published by the British government’s statistical agency was a startling revelation.

Why Budget 2017 did so little to help students

One week ago today, on Wednesday 22 November 2017, the Chancellor, Philip Hammond, gave a budget speech that was designed to confuse and distract.

Health – why the Conservatives have the worst record since at least 1891

London, November 2017: Research linking cuts in government health spending to higher mortality rates in England has been published in the British Medical Journal