
Has the UK reached Peak Inequality?

Video and slides of Danny Dorling speaking at the Royal Society for Arts, London, July 19th 2018.

Peak Inequality – Britain’s Ticking Time Bomb

When we think of economic inequality we tend to think of a trend that is ever rising and destined to continue rising; that is far from inevitable.

Peak Inequality – a discussion

In Peak Inequality: Britain’s Ticking Time Bomb, Danny Dorling presents the evidence that in 2018 the growth in UK income inequality may have finally peaked.

Peak Inequality

Is great change coming? 4 July 2018 – First published in the New Statesman, by Danny Dorling

Social Inequality in the UK: challenges for policymakers

A talk given to the All-Party Parliamentary Group for Social Science and Policy, Attlee Suite, Portcullis House, July 3rd 2018.

Britain is a Segregated Society – the isolation of the richest

Britain is a highly segregated society. It boasts the widest Gini coefficient of all the OECD countries in Europe when income inequality is considered.

This is what peak inequality looks like

We can find it hard to believe that an era has come to an end, that a peak has been passed. But when, finally, such a change happens the memories of commentators change with it.


We know that you’re busy and that while you’d love to donate more time to progressive advocacy, life gets in the way.

The rise in mortality—how the government has chosen to take note

In May 2018 the Department of Health and Social Care responded to the recent rise in deaths in England by saying…

Be Realistic – Demand The Impossible

What becomes possible when you begin to demand (what they tell you) is impossible?

The age-sex standardised mortality rate for deaths in England has risen by 5% in 12 months

The ASMR has risen by 5%. So, once again, we repeat: how many deaths will it take for the Government to take note?

Peak Inequality & Jubilee 2022: the case for the write-off of UK historic student debt

The Labour Party must draw up plans to write off the majority of the debt run up by students who paid fees under England’s post-2012 funding regime.

One year on from the Grenfell fire

It is scandalous that politicians are whittling down public housing budgets and failing to take action to keep residents safe.

Radcliff Camera

Housing in Oxfordshire: where to build and who should profit?

A talk arranged by the Northern Villages Branch of Henley Constituency Labour Party, Wheatley, Oxfordshire, June 11 2018.

The cuts and poor health: when and how can we say that one thing causes another?

Life expectancy in England and Wales has stalled. At some older ages, it is declining.