
Social Inequality – The Need to Develop Inclusive Housing and Sustainable Communities

A keynote lecture given at the Canadian National Housing Conference, Ottawa, 22 November 2018.

Brexit and Britain’s Radical Right

Two decades ago, leaving the European Union was a minority pursuit. Now British politics is defined by Brexit.

In Focus: The Revival of Two-Party Politics in Britain

Benjamin D. Hennig and Danny Dorling plot the re-emergence of Conservative and Labour dominance in British politics:

Brexit coincided with peak inequality – causes and effect?

Brexit may be key to the future of inequality in the UK, and inequality may have been key to making Brexit . Growing inequality created so much, from tax-evader-vote-funders to mass discontent.

Where will our kids live and how will they afford it?

We used to plan our cities. In most European countries they still plan their cities. What would a plan for the future of Oxford look like that was sustainable, environmentally responsible and affordable?

Jubilee 2022: Writing off the student debt

The unjust student debt can be written off – if we choose to have a fairer society. Don’t let anyone convince you this is not so.

The Brexit vote, declining health and immigration

People voted Leave most often in those parts of England which had the worse health trends, which saw the greatest rises in mortality rates in the two years after the vote, and to which the least immigrants had come in the year before the vote.

The 2018 autumn budget, hypothecation and taxation

Philip Hammond delivers his budget on Monday 29th October 2018. He may be tempted to suggest that any new taxes he introduced are hypothecated. Is this a good idea?

Inequality and Housing: A new economy for the many

What policies could be enacted to end homelessness in England, to ensure decent quality affordable housing, to prevent speculation and to control greed?

Finland, the UK and 7 Maps of how the human world is changing

Life expectancy is rising in Finland – unlike in the UK. What’s going right?

Inequality and Social Deprivation: Examples of what goes wrong from the UK

I’m interested in inequality and what is happening with that.

Peak Inequality – My Fair London and Oxford

Institutions must recognise the extent to which they are partly responsible for their cities and country’s problems.

Inequality and Oxford

(1) In every university city in which I have lived a colleague has always pointed out how remarkably socially divided that city is.

Heavy price paid for war in Afghanistan (letter)

The 17-year war has been a costly disaster, deepening the country’s crisis and helping to spread violence across the region and beyond, say actors including Mark Rylance, MPs including Imran Hussain, and other campaigners

So, when was this series of “periodic bad winters”?

The author of a recent BMJ editorial claims that: “In summary, the general deceleration in mortality improvements in many high income countries since 2010 has been compounded by periodic bad winters.“