
Two weeks to go to Brexit?

There may be a silver lining. Brexit is a much larger national disaster than the 1956 Suez crisis, and more embarrassing.

Mid-March 2019: What Brexit now told us about the British

What on earth will happen now? Will some people never learn about the British past, the nature of its empire, its decline, and how all this is linked to Brexit?

Oxford Housing and the Survivor Syndrome

You read this magazine [The Oxford Magazine] and because of that you almost certainly know how the start of the story goes

Brexit – the Ides of March

The ides of March, March the 15th, is the date on which Romans traditionally settled debts.

Is the Human Species Slowing Down?

In the ‘Origin of Species’, Charles Darwin described how a population explosion occurs. He called the events required – ‘favourable seasons’.

The Key to the Brexit Backstory

How did Britain’s wealthy take the end of the British empire? Not well — and the rest of us are still paying the price.

(Mis)Rule Britannia: Brexit is the last gasp of empire

Brexit represents the last gasp of the British empire

How Inequality and Austerity have Divided Britain,

What does Brexit tell us about ourselves – and what will happen now?

Connections: Global Inequality, the British Empire and Brexit

Danny Dorling speaking at the monthly meeting of “Global Justice Now”, Oxford Town Hall, February 12th 2019.

Foreword to: The influence of place, geographical isolation and progression to higher education

Take a minute to think about where current education policy is likely to take us in England, and to some extent in Wales. Scotland and Northern Ireland run things a little differently.

Inequality and the Environment 2019

The first of an interdisciplinary seminar series on the topic of ‘Inequality and the Environment’, organised by Alex Milden.

The spurious link between immigration and increased crime

In the era of Brexit attempts have repeatedly been made to associate recent immigrants with criminality; and despite all evidence to the contrary this slur continues.

A Very British Legacy: Attitude and Brexit

Brexit may be key to the future of inequality in the UK, and inequality may have been key to making Brexit possible.

Brexit, Demography, Geography and the British

Brexit’s all about Geography; it’s all about borders; it’s all about issues of identity; and a lot of it is about history.